Interior design is an integral part of modern life. The interior design profession is a part of everyday life. The Art Nouveau was a European style that influenced interior design, home design, as well as furnishing design. It emerged in 19th century. The decorative themes reflected the desire for simplicity and a free-form form. They also resembled natural flourishing vegetation. Modernist interior design was born in the 20th century. There were many interior designers. Interior design in this period was characterized by a focus on color and tonalities. The colors were often simple and elegant with a quiet, uniform tone. They also looked at the material texture’s performance.

Here is the 20th design we chose. Rose Cumming is the most charismatic and exciting of all the Great Lady Decorators. They created professional decorating and interior design during the first decade of the 20th century. Her interiors were rich in color and pattern, and her style was infused with surrealism. Cumming’s crown jewel is the “Banana Leaf” textile. The original is the pink-and-charcoal colorway. Dorothy, sister of Dorothy, used pigment to create the design. This work reflects the main features of early 20th-century interior design. The design features simple and clean colors that are both elegant and natural. Rose Cumming offers a variety of designer fabrics, upholstery fabric, and drapery fabrics. The “Banana Leaf”, which was first designed in 1927, has been a popular fabric for furniture and wallpaper. Rose Cumming fabric was a popular choice for interior decoration in the early 20th-century American interior. Rose Cumming’s masterpiece was the foundation of interior design. In 1920s, interior design was transformed by this new style. Cumming created the golden age style by contrasting styles, eras and colors rather than selecting matching furniture sets. The “Banana Leaf,” a modern and elegant design, was liberated from conventionality. It is widely known, particularly in wallpapers and fabrics. While this isn’t a masterpiece in interior design, like Gothic, Venetian or Austrian Baroque did, it has a profound impact on the industry. The designers were able to feel an incontrovertible, yet extraordinary, sensation from this unique and affordable creation. Cumming was known for her bizarre, eclectic and sometimes surrealistic work. Cumming’s ability to combine bold colors is the most important legacy. As it is in “Banana Foll”, the nonconformist design’s simple yet elegant combination of pinks with charcoal makes it stand out. Cumming once observed, “Parrots and fabrics are blue,” It’s this characteristic that makes interiors unique.


  • declanryan

    Declan Ryan is a 25-year-old blogger who specializes in education. He has a degree in education from a top university and has been blogging about education for the past four years. He is a regular contributor to several popular education blogs and has a large following on social media. He is passionate about helping students and educators alike and is always looking for new ways to improve education.