While they share many of the same interests as each other, Venus of Urbino and Olympia have many of their own. We see two naked women seated on their beds in both paintings. In Olympia, the woman is accompanied by a black male servant and cat who stare off into space. In Venus of Urbina, the woman can be seen in the distance. They are similar in appearance, but they have different meanings.

The prostitution that took place in Olympia during this period caused the confrontation. The male servant is waiting for the woman by holding his hand. You can see that the male servant waits on the woman and presents flowers. However, the woman does not seem to be interested in any of this. The woman may believe she is used to receiving gifts. Manet was highly disregarded because of her painting. She used a sore subject from that period. This painting also shows her not as the ideal woman. Beautiful, glowing skin would be the ideal look for a woman. Their body would be in the right shape. She would smile happily. But the woman in this picture doesn’t have that look. The woman shown is pale and has a simple body. The painting contrasts between dark and light. The contrast between the dark background and the light woman is the blend of the bed sheets and the lady. The woman is “facing” the camera, which shows her confidence in herself. It shows her confidence in herself. This painting was created to help women visualize and remind them of what they could expect from their husbands in that period. The goddess of Love is depicted in the painting’s woman. We are also noticing the contrast between the dark and light of this painting. Also, Venus is looking straight at us. You can see a child, possibly in a toy box, looking at you, while the maid or servant looks over her. Dogs are a symbol of loyalty to many people. When I see the dog-eyed woman lying down on her bed, I think about the loyalty that is at the heart of marriage. Loyalty is the only thing that makes marriage worthwhile. In today’s culture, red roses represent the purity, beauty, and meaning of what love should be. The red roses she is holding are a symbol of true love. These two main points are important because they represent true love. True love should not be taken lightly. As the mother looks on, the maid watches over the little child. Mothers are always there to look after their child, even when they are not around. Mothers look after their children no matter what cost or circumstance.

Summary: The painting and the text are different but not identical. Both are emblematic of trademarks throughout history. The woman who looks like a woman demonstrates the dignity and power women have.


  • declanryan

    Declan Ryan is a 25-year-old blogger who specializes in education. He has a degree in education from a top university and has been blogging about education for the past four years. He is a regular contributor to several popular education blogs and has a large following on social media. He is passionate about helping students and educators alike and is always looking for new ways to improve education.