Beyonce, a black female artist and singer, is well-known for her advocacy of cultural and female empowerment. She also discusses personal racial issues. Lemonade is her most recent album and contains many references about female empowerment. But, today’s topic will be her song “Formation”, performed live at Super Bowl. It has been a hit with many people. Beyonce’s “Formation” is different from the rest of her song in that it is not subtle about racial issues. Beyonce’s “Formation”, a song that focuses on black culture, has two themes. One is to remember past crimes, like Hurricane Katrina’s environmental racism. Beyonce begins her “Formation” by standing over a car that is supposedly inundated in New Orleans. This is her tribute to Hurricane Katrina. This theme is continued throughout the song, where she makes the car sink even more, showing how, despite years passing, things aren’t getting any worse (Hill). The scene also features the text “Stop Shooting US” written on a white wall. This could be any of many recent cases of police brutality including Ferguson and Hill. There are other scenes, too, like the one where she holds a small child before a group of police officers. The child raises both her hands and the officers comply with her surrender. Even though the child appears young and weak, the hoodie he is wearing may be considered “threatening”. The peaceful settlement between an African-American man and police could be considered the victory the black lives matter movement has been seeking. This could be referring a number of instances of police brutality like George Zimmerman vs Trayvon Mart or Michael Slager Vs Walter Scott. Slager would not have used excessive force to kill Scott and shot him in the back. He was convicted and could face life imprisonment for his actions (Juley). As they did with the Ferguson and Michael Brown cases, the Black Lives Matter protestors were quick to voice their disapproval (Juley). Their persistent invocation has led them to recognize the problem. However, followers of the movement must not confuse police brutality for law enforcement (Juley).

Many sources claim that Katrina’s impact could have been predicted. But others say it was unpredicted. Sources that claim it was possible to predict its impact claim that its location was predicted by dams and other waterways. It is interesting to note that these areas were inhabited primarily by African Americans. These sources would have predicted that the disaster that struck many African Americans could be avoided. Two-thirds were African American during the evacuation. Nearly 80% of the affected communities were of color, according to Allen. It was evident that African Americans were the majority of those impacted and neglected areas. These areas were more affordable and encouraged lower income people to live there, which tends to be minorities.

Problem is, the area’s dangers are the main reason these areas were so expensive. The area was made more affordable in order to extract as much profit possible. The areas most severely impacted by New Orleans’s destruction are still struggling. Louisiana received $10 in federal funding for rehabilitation, but only completed 731 projects. Mississippi closed 80% while Alabama closed nearly all of its projects (Singer). Even though the cost of repairs is high, it would seem that less than 6% would be closed with such funding. However, they claim that closing does not always mean recovery. Instead, if one looks at reconstruction of physical infrastructure, the recovery rate would be approximately 80%. It would be worrying if their official and legal documentation is missing if this is true.

Beyonce’s album “Formation” embraces and encourages black culture. She stated in one her lines: “

I like my baby, heir with baby and afros. My negro nose has Jackson Five nostrils.” Young African American females are often bullied and subject to hate because of the afros. Younger girls are more likely to choose straight hair or whitewashed hair because of this bullying. Beyonce appears at the beginning of the video atop a police van. Interestingly, the car scene could have many meanings. The meaning that was stated earlier is still valid. Another line at the beginning says “What happened following New Orleans.” But it wasn’t Beyonce speaking. It was Messy’s voice that was heard, and he was later shot and killed. His murderer confessed. He was sent to a mental hospital and released in the same year. Beyonce wore Black Panther gear with her dancers as an homage to Black Panther. Beyonce wore a similar outfit to Michael Jackson’s in her homage (Bolanos). Talking of Michael Jackson, Beyonce wore an outfit similar to Michael Jackson’s in his homage (Bolanos). This was due to the stereotype about African Americans having big noses. Michael Jackson had his nose reshaped to lessen his shame and conform to social norms. This is a sign that you are accepting yourself and that you love yourself as African Americans.


  • declanryan

    Declan Ryan is a 25-year-old blogger who specializes in education. He has a degree in education from a top university and has been blogging about education for the past four years. He is a regular contributor to several popular education blogs and has a large following on social media. He is passionate about helping students and educators alike and is always looking for new ways to improve education.