This movie is set in England’s little suburb. A little cat is seen and she transforms into Professor McGonagall, a witch. She meets Professor Dumbledore, a wizard at Dursley’s doorstep. A little boy named Harry Potter is held by Hagrid, a massage therapist. Dudley Dursley is now the Dursley family’s spoilt son. Harry has no room and lives below the stairs. Dudley’s birthday celebration ends with the party going to the Zoo. Harry makes the glass go away and Dudley goes into the Boa Constrictor Pit. Harry is the one to blame for this incident. These mysterious letters begin to appear soon and are addressed to Harry. Harry receives these mysterious letters. Harry tries to hide them but Dursley fails. Mr. Dursley eventually takes his entire family on a trip to a remote island just before Harry’s eleventh birthday. The family hears a bang and Hagrid enters. Hagrid then gives Harry a letter about Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Harry learns that his magical abilities were being lied to by the Dursleys. Hagrid follows Harry to London for supplies the next day. Harry discovers that his parents have given him a lot in money. They shop at Diagon Alley. Harry receives a school uniform. Books, potion ingredients and a magic stick. Harry is having lunch with Hagrid when he inquires about the reason for his scarred forehead. Hagrid is reluctant to reveal his secrets, but tells Harry about Voldemort’s tragedy. He claims that wizards can go wrong, and that he is one of them. He killed the one who didn’t join him. He tried to recruit Harry’s parents that night but they wouldn’t listen so he shot them. He was going to kill Harry. But he saw something, and then gave Harry the scar. Hagrid informs Harry that Voldemort hasn’t been seen since. Hagrid later takes Harry to train station. To reach platform 9/3, he has a to cross a wall. He is able to make friends with Ronald Weasley while riding on the train. They must wear this hat when they reach Hogwarts. Harry hints that he doesn’t have to go to Slytherin because he can put it on. The friend goes into Gryffindor. He soon discovers that Snape his potions instructor doesn’t love him. Hagrid informs Harry that Snape doesn’t like Harry, but he is still insured. The boys are instructed to stay on the ground during their flying lesson. Draco malfoy, a boy’s toy, then takes Draco Malfoy’s toy and soars into the air. Harry demands that Malfoy return the toy. Malfoy throws Harry the toy and Harry runs and grabs it. Professor McGonagall has Harry bring the toy to Gryffindor Quidditch’s captain. He recommends that he become their seeker. All of the Hogwarts children are led to their dorms after a troll was spotted during Halloween. Harry and Ron flee to Hermione to rescue Hermione, who didn’t know of the troll. The troll attacks them while they are there. Harry climbs on the back of the troll and raises his wand up to the nose. Ron uses a spell to make the trolls club smash into the head of the troll, killing it. All teachers are stunned and give them points towards their houses. Harry buys his Dad an invisibility jacket and goes to school after Christmas. The Mirror of Erised is what he discovers. It shows the deepest desires of anyone who looks at it. Harry sees his parents and Harry when he looks at it. The Trio decided to solve a mystery during Christmas Break. A bank break-in, and a Sorcerer’s stone guarded with a 3 headed dog. Nicolas Flamel, a friend to Dumbledore’s, holds the Sorcerer’s Stone. This Stone provides unlimited wealth as well as long life. Hagrid win a Dragon in Poker a few days later. Ron, Ron’s brother from Romania studies dragons. Malfoy is able to catch them and take 150 points off their house. Malfoy and the Trio are grounded, and Hagrid must accompany them to find out who has been eating Unicorns. Harry is separated from Malfoy and sees him wearing a hood who drinks the blood. Harry is saved when the mark of the man begins to hurt. A friendly centaur tells Harry that Voldemort has been plotting to steal his Sorcerer’s stone. Harry decides to steal Voldemort’s Stone. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hermione walk to the corridor with the 3 headed dog at midnight. They move on to the sticky stuff after they have gotten past this. They arrive at this enormous chess board game where Ron has to give his life for his friends. Hermione accompanies Harry as he enters the room to seek the Stone.

When he arrives in the room, Professor Quirrell greets him and puts him in front a Mirror. Harry takes out the Stone from his pocket and tells Quirrell it is something else. Quirrell takes down his turban. Voldemort is located in the backside of Quirrell’s head. Voldemort gives Quirrell instructions to kill Harry. He fails because Harry gets burnt to his skin. Harry falls asleep. Harry wakes up to find Dumbledore in hospital. Harry will be told that Mr. Flamel and Harry have decided on the destruction of the Stone. Harry then travels to the End Of Year Banquet. Here, the house with more points wins. Slytherin looks set to win, as Dumbledore gives Harry and his friends a certificate for Griffindor’s achievements. Harry will be heading to London for the Summer with his Dursleys friends, and that is where we leave him. Harry Potter’s moral lesson is to never give-up, even when things aren’t making sense. I believe that most people have many different things going on in their lives. Even though it may not make sense, and we don’t know how to wait, it will eventually work out. It will put you on the right track. He was discriminated against for his identity, which he didn’t know made sense.


  • declanryan

    Declan Ryan is a 25-year-old blogger who specializes in education. He has a degree in education from a top university and has been blogging about education for the past four years. He is a regular contributor to several popular education blogs and has a large following on social media. He is passionate about helping students and educators alike and is always looking for new ways to improve education.