Donnie Darko tells the story of Donnie, a highschool student who experiences sleepwalking problems and dreams of seeing a man in a rabbit costume. After an unusual near-death experience, Donnie finds himself responsible in numerous vandalism and violence committed against his community. This film is filled with symbolism and touches on themes such fear, love, loss, and sacrifice.

Donnie Darko’s most distinctive film technique is lighting. Low key lighting is used throughout the film, which makes it dark. Donnie Darko’s film has a “thriller-esque” feel. This creates a very creepy and distorted mood and can be used to draw the viewers’ attention to a particular visual. As the movie progresses, it seems that the lighting gets darker. As the protagonist approaches the answer to the question, the shadows covering his face become more heavy. Although the film isn’t very brightly lit, certain scenes are well-lit. Donnie’s normal life is an example. To help Donnie feel like a typical teenager, bright, high-key lighting helps him shoot cans in a field. The scene looks almost as though it was lit entirely with the sun’s natural light, which makes it feel calm and relaxed. Three-point lighting can also be used to selectively lighten the scene. This transforms the subject into a dynamic image that “pops”. Donnie and Frank’s rabbit friend Frank talk to each other using three-point lighting. Frank is the main focus of the conversation. Donnie can focus on Frank’s words and it makes it easier for him to communicate his point. The use of color can bring life to otherwise insignificant or mundane surroundings. They can help set the mood and tone for any given situation or object. Black and white can be associated with good or evil, yin or yang, in terms of color schemes. Donnie is often seen in plain white shirts throughout the film. This contrasts well with Frank’s. Donnie will always be wearing a dark colored shirt, or a black shirt, whenever he meets Frank. It is worth noting that Gretchen can be present when Frank is with Donnie. Donnie has been confronting Frank by himself up until now. Donnie is wearing a black jacket and a white shirt, symbolizing Donnie’s fight with evil.

Donnie’s mental fragility is also enhanced by Donnie’s dark-colored rabbit. Frank’s color scheme serves as a subconscious warning of Donnie’s imminent doom.

Also, the film’s dark and disturbing tone is enhanced by the use of excessive shadowing. The color scheme is not right, even in scenes one might associate with peace. Donnie Darko opens with shots of mountains in the early morning. The color scheme is ominous and sickening, despite being a sunrise shot. Donnie Darko uses color and lighting to create an atmosphere that is chaotic, strange, and foreboding. It is heavily dependent on functional ignorance. This leaves its audience in the darkness and prompts them to speculate about what might happen.


  • declanryan

    Declan Ryan is a 25-year-old blogger who specializes in education. He has a degree in education from a top university and has been blogging about education for the past four years. He is a regular contributor to several popular education blogs and has a large following on social media. He is passionate about helping students and educators alike and is always looking for new ways to improve education.